Family Fun During Family Literacy Week
Students in Claude E. Garton Public School’s Mme Smyk’s SK French Immersion class had an exciting time this week as they welcomed their parents into the classroom for a very special Family Literacy Week party! The families shared literary learning en français and enjoyed a delicious snack.

In addition to celebrating French culture, the French Immersion program at Claude E. Garton Public School also prioritizes inclusiveness and highlights festivities that families traditionally participate in. For example, this week many classes at the school learned about Lunar New Year. Students learned about the legend of Nian, created red envelopes filled with class money, and took part in a guided drawing of their own dragons. Students discussed New Year wishes and wrote their own wish on streamers hung on a giant paper tree.
Mme Smith’s Grade 4/5 French Immersion class participated in a variety of art and literacy activities, including listening to French stories, participating in a “write the room” activity, and sharing their newfound knowledge in a sharing circle. Students understand and appreciate that literacy in French Immersion involves speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Literacy is an integral part of all classrooms at Claude E. Garton Public School and educators strive to make their classrooms vibrant and engaging.
“J’ai adoré toutes les activités !” (“I loved all of the activities!”)
– Keira, Grade 5 French Immersion
“J’ai vraiment aimé dessiner des dragons et découvrir la légende de Nian.” (“I really liked drawing dragons and learning about the legend of Nian.”)
– Erik, Grade 4 French Immersion
“J’ai aimé l’information sur le festival des lanternes et apprendre à fabriquer ma propre lanterne. Nous avons utilisé de la peinture rouge et dorée parce que ce sont des couleurs de la chance en Chine, et nous avons inclus des lapins pour marquer l’année du lapin.” (“I liked learning about the lantern festival and getting to make my own lantern. We used red and gold paint as those are lucky colours in China, and we included rabbits to mark the year of the rabbit.”)
– Felicity, Grade 4 French Immersion
“C’était vraiment cool de pouvoir écrire un souhait du Nouvel An et de l’accrocher à notre arbre à souhaits. Cela donne vraiment vie à notre apprentissage lorsque nous participons à ces activités.” (“It was really cool to get to write a New Year’s wish and hang it on our wishing tree. It really makes our learning come to life when we get to participate in these activities.”)
Madison, Grade 4 French Immersion
“J’ai adoré dessiner un dragon.” (“I loved drawing a dragon.”)
– Spencer, Grade 5 French Immersion
Family Literacy Week activities permitted students to learn new vocabulary, exercise their creative minds, and engage in new interests!